
The Increase in TDL Affect Industry Competitiveness

The design of electric power rate increase (TDL) of 15-20% which is disclosed by Finance Minister Agustin Martowardojo, received responses from industry minister MS Hidayat. Hidayat rate, if the increase in TDL is not accompanied with the support of incentives for the industry, then this design will have an impact on industrial competitiveness homeland.

Also according to him, if followed TDL ride without a certain level of efficiency in the PLN, the burden of the government for subsidies would still be great. Therefore, he said that the company should be given targets including reducing their margins from 8% to 3%.

TDL increase for the industry will be felt seimbangbila followed by another rate improvements, such as bank interest, production subsidies or tax incentives. So therefore, the cost economics of production can be balanced despite increase in TDL.


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